Qualification results are official

Video review is done and the scores of the qualification workouts have been updated. Check the leaderboards to know who made the cut

The final leaderboards of the 2020 Italian Showdown Qualification Phase are processed with the support of our technical partner Throwdowns.com and are available at the following link…

Qualification leaderboard

We would like to thank all the judges who spent hundreds of hours of their summertime to review the athletes’ videos and validate the scores. Obviously, a big thank you goes also to the athletes who managed to take part in the Qualification Phase despite all the hurdles of these tough times.

Considerations about scores

We were quite surprised by the large number of athletes who did not meet the prescribed standards: errors in the execution of the movements and in the shooting of the videos show that many competitors have not even read the information we have provided, nor watched the demo videos. We are sorry about this.

However, it is our duty to ensure that standards are met at every stage of the event, as described on the official website, to deliver a fair competition for athletes and for the sport. Therefore, our judges had to correct many scores, apply major penalties and, in the most serious cases, invalidate the workouts.

For maximum transparency, in the event of a reviewed or invalidated score, the athlete is informed with a notification e-mail. Judges decisions are not appealable, but athletes wishing to receive further information can send a request to:


What’s next?

The athletes qualified for the Final Phase will get the invitation as soon as we have the authorization for the live event from the health and sport authorities. On September 7 the Italian Government will release a new Prime Ministerial Decree containing the latest directions about the Covid-19 safety measures: at that time we expect to know the news about the sporting events and the safety protocols for athletes and spectators.

The winners of the prizes offered by our sponsors will be announced in the next few days.