The 2025 Italian Showdown will take place from 30 May to 1 June at the Rimini Expo Center with RiminiWellness, the international event dedicated to fitness, sport and movement

Beginners at their very first experience, intermediate competitors and expert athletes play side by side on the same game floor: it’s much more than a race, it’s a fest for thousands of fitness enthusiasts!

  • NO QUALIFICATIONS: just register and take to the field live against your peers in 3 ability levels and 7 age groups.
  • NO CUTS: you can give your all until the end without the risk of being eliminated for a test gone wrong.

Slots and Wildcards

For the 2025 edition of the Italian Showdown there are 864 slots divided into 3 Divisions (Beginner, Intermediate, Rx) for Individuals and Teams and 7 Age Groups (from 18 to 60 years and over) for Individuals, based on the following forecast quotas for direct access:


  • Beginner: 144 M / 96 F
  • Intermediate: 192 M / 96 F
  • Rx: 96 M / 24 F


  • Beginner: 24 team of 3 (M-M-F)
  • Intermediate: 24 team of 3 (M-M-F)
  • Rx: 24 team of 3 (M-M-F)

The number of initial slots may be varied during registration to meet actual demand for each division.

WILDCARD: for the 2025 edition, 10 wildcards are available to participate for free in the Italian Showdown in the Rx division. Athletes who finished the 2024 CrossFit Open in the top 20 ranking of the Italian men’s and women’s overall leaderboard can request the wildcard by sending an email with their personal data. Wildcards will be assigned according to the order in which requests are received until available slots are exhausted.

Ability levels and Divisions

The Italian Showdown is a Community competition open to all CrossFit enthusiasts of any age and ability level, with three divisions for three different skill levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Rx.
For the 2025 edition, the requirements of the ability divisions no longer refer to an ideal “Regional Level” athlete, but are calibrated on the most common characteristics of those who attend the classes and on the standards of the CrossFit workouts of the day.
So, before registering, find the division that best suits your fitness level regardless of your age, so you can compete live in the division that’s right for you, allowing you to compete against your peers.

You have little or no competition experience but wish to compete to test yourself. You are not yet familiar with all the skills, perform scaled workouts and are able to manage multiple repetitions with the following loads:

  • Deadlift: 60/45Kg
  • Clean and Jerk: 50/35Kg
  • Snatch: 40/25Kg
  • Dumbbells: 15/10Kg

For this division the competition will be based on scaled versions of standard movements and the workouts will be aimed at measuring work capacity with reduced loads and volumes but always at high intensity.

SKILLS NOT REQUIRED: Pistol, Toes to bar, Pull up, Chest to bar, Bar Muscle up, Ring Muscle up, Rope Climb, Handstand Push up, Handstand Walk, Double Under.

You already have some experience of competitions and wish to compete to overcome your limits. You are familiar with almost all skills, often perform Rx workouts and are able to manage multiple repetitions with the following loads:

  • Deadlift: 80/60Kg
  • Clean and Jerk: 60/45Kg
  • Snatch: 50/35Kg
  • Dumbbells: 22,5/15Kg

For this division the competition will be based on standard movements and the workouts will be aimed at measuring work capacity and main skills, possibly with reduced loads

SKILLS NOT REQUIRED: Pistol, Bar Muscle up, Ring Muscle up, Handstand Walk.

You already have competition experience and can compete against complete athletes. You are familiar with all the skills, always perform Rx workouts and are able to manage multiple repetitions with the following loads:

  • Deadlift: 100/75Kg
  • Clean and Jerk: 80/60Kg
  • Snatch: 60/45Kg
  • Dumbbells: 22,5/15Kg

For this division the competition will be based on advanced movements and the workouts will be aimed at measuring work capacity, skills and strength in any domain.


ATTENTION: consider the weights listed above as a minimum requirement for load handling ability, so keep in mind that during the course of the competition you will face unexpected tests of all types, loads and durations.

Age Groups

Finally, also “Master” athletes can choose a division that best reflects the fitness level best suited to their abilities; in fact, for the 2025 edition, there are 7 age groups within each Individual division!
Thus, each athlete can compare himself on the leaderboard with competitors in his own age range (Age Group) but also globally with all other athletes of the same ability level (Division), according to the same principle as the CrossFit Open leaderboard.

In addition to competing for the division podium, the winners of each age range will be named “Age Group Champion”.

Age ranges within Individual divisions

  • from 18 to 34 years
  • from 35 to 39 years
  • from 40 to 44 years
  • from 45 to 49 years
  • from 50 to 54 years
  • from 55 to 59 years
  • from 60 years and over

IN PRACTICE: once you have selected the division best suited to your ability level, you will automatically be assigned to an Age Group based on your date of birth. For example, if you turn 52 in 2025 and have determined that the 2nd fitness level is right for you, you will be ranked both in the overall leaderboard of the Intermediate division and in the leaderboard of the Age Group 50-54 Intermediate. Furthermore, during the competition you will be placed in the heats according to the order by date of birth, in this way you will always take to the field alongside your peers for a more fair and fun direct comparison.

Competition Schedule

The competition will have a different duration for each division: 1 day for all Teams, 2 days for Individual Beginners of each age group, 3 days for Individual Intermediate and Rx of each age group.

All athletes will perform all the workouts scheduled for each division, without eliminations and without cuts. The final leaderboard will be based on the scores of all workouts and the top three athletes ranked in each division will get on the podium.

All workouts will be programmed so that they can be performed within a single daily event for each division, with a short break in between or consecutively. Each athlete will be busy only in the morning or only in the afternoon.

Team – All (1-day)

  • Friday: 1 event with 3 workouts

Individual – Beginner (2-day)

  • Saturday: 1 event with 3 workouts
  • Sunday: 1 event with 2 workouts

Individual – Intermediate / Rx (3-day)

  • Friday: 1 event with 1 workout
  • Saturday: 1 event with 2 workouts
  • Sunday: 1 event with 2 workouts